
Monday, 19 January 2015

I've got a Sore Throat!!! when your sore throat is more than just a sore throat....

Tonsillitis is a kind of sore throat- but its a very much severe kind of throat infection. The Tonsils are a group of swellings in the throat which fights infections basically.

When the infection becomes overwhelming, then you get a Tonsillitis.
Chances of getting a Tonsillitis is quite higher during the cold weather, especially in children.

How to recognize it:
  • If you have a sore throat, and its quite painful, its likely you have a tonsillitis.
  • You could have an extension of the pain in your ear- on the same side.
  • Pain gets worse on attempts to swallow, and sometimes speak.
  • Open your mouth wide and say "ahh" in front of a mirror, look in the corner of the back of your tongue on both sides, you may need to get a flash light for proper illumination.
  • An infected Tonsil would usually look swollen and red on the affected side. 
  • In some cases, you may see white patches as shown above.
  • You could run a fever as well.
What to do:
  • particularly if you see just a red and swollen tonsil
  1. drink lots of warm tea (twinnings does a good brand of tea) 
  2. warm water with a little bit of salt gargle as frequently as possible.
  3. use pain relief- if you have no allergies or aren't pregnant- then you can use Ibuprofen or Diclofenac. if you do, then use paracetamol which is safest.
  4. avoid kissing please. Tonsillitis isn't something you want to be sharing
  5. If you do this for 2 days and it doesn't feel like you are getting better, please see a doctor.
  • If you see white patches, then you need some antibiotics. you could see your doctor for that and follow the above listed steps.
However, if you do have more than 4 episodes of this infection in a year, then its a reason for you to see an ENT specialist to have them remove your tonsils via a Tonsillectomy, as the procedure would reduce risk of you having a recurrent infection. Note your body has other several defensive mechanism, so worrying about your tonsil should be the least of your worries.

A Tonsillectomy typically takes about 45 minutes, and the recovery is very sweet as you are on an ice-cream diet for a couple of days:) that's the best thing about ENT :D

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