
Sunday, 11 January 2015

Inappropriate medical examinations - Know the limits

So I recently watched an expose on-line about the quacks in Nigeria. That video got me thinking about the ordeals some patients go through. Hubby and I got talking after the video, and he gisted me about a certain doctor, who we have 'mutually diagnosed' with paraphillia (sexual perversion) that used to finger and do inappropriate stuff with his patients.

I understand patients are usually vulnerable, especially when there is a problem and for that reason their ignorance could be easily exploited.

The other day, I was consulting with a patient who had a rash on his penis and I told him I would need to take a look at it and this man decided he would love to come another day when there was a male doctor around. Little did he know how happy I was!- so here's your cue, I'm a woman and I don't have Paraphillia:)

So I've decided to do a post to prevent pervert doctors and quacks from performing their dastardly acts.
Tips to protect your self from paraphillic doctors
  • Know what a vaginal exam is. It is NOT fingering. your doctor is NOT meant to keep sliding in and out your vagina, a breast examination doesn't include fondling your breasts or squeezing your nipples (although your doctor would need to try milk your breast to reveal any discharges if you do have), and your penis exam doesn't include any form of stroking!
  • When dealing with a doctor of the opposite sex especially those you haven't had a previous contact with, if he/she has to examine you, particularly your breasts, vagina, penis,or anus as the case may be, have them do so in the presence of either another of their colleague or a nurse on duty.
  • Parents, please don't leave your children alone to be examined in the doctors office. Particularly teenage girls and minors.
If your doctor feels like he/she is falling in love with you or your body, let them take your number and do the right things and not exploit you. 18+
Together we can stop all inappropriate behaviours.


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